2025 Vlog

Fix Your Gut in 3 Simple Steps

Video Summary: Eat a "gut friendly diet" Complete a comprehensive Detox/Cleanse Incorporate gut supportive nutritional supplements into your diet   All the best to your health! Catherine Rudolph, CNC Certified...

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Why Seed Oils Are Terrible For You

  There is no question about it, seed oils are hard to avoid. A few foods may surprise you like deli meat and yogurt. Neither of these foods should need ANY added oils. Crackers, chips, cereal, protein bars, and many other foods use...

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10 Reasons Cold Showers Are Good For You

In this video I review 10 great reasons you may want to consider ending your daily shower with cold water! increases energy, alertness, mental focus increase white blood cell count / boosting immune system flushes and cleanses lymphatic...

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Raw Aloe Vera | 7 Health Powerful Health Benefits

  I often have people ask me if I have specific health products I recommend. First and foremost, I always recommend any nutritional supplements be taken to enhance, not replace, a healthy diet. That said, Aloe Vera is a nutritional...

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Cooked Carrot-Cabbage Slaw Recipe | Healthy and Simple!

Cooked Carrot-Cabbage Slaw Recipe | Healthy and Simple!

I am a HUGE fan of including generous amounts of cruciferous veggies in my daily diet. A few examples include broccoli, cabbage, kale, and cauliflower. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and they are one of the most powerful cancer fighting foods....

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Intermittent Fasting for Beginners

Intermittent fasting (IF) is becoming increasingly more popular over the past year. I have my own experience with IF over the past few years. In this video I wanted to share with you some basics and my own personal experience and results...

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3 Healthiest Low Calorie Sweeteners

3 Healthiest Low Calorie Sweeteners

If you're looking for an all natural safe alternative sweetener to sugar, keep reading! Most people already know sugar feeds dis-ease. So what are the safest alternatives? In my search for a safe AND tasty sweetener, I found SO many on the market include unhealthy or...

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Over 34 Hidden Names for MSG

Over 34 Hidden Names for MSG

MSG is one of the most dangerous food enhancers found in thousands of processed foods under hidden names. It's toxic stuff with some very serious side effects and should not be taken lightly. Read your food labels carefully, or better yet, eat food that doesn't...

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