In an effort to help you make healthy choices that are super quick and easy, I came across Fillo’s Beans that are seriously so delicious, I eat them right out of the bag sometimes!
This can be a one ingredient meal recipe if you’re on the go, part of a simple meal (see recipe below), or an excellent addition to a more elaborate recipe.
Fillo’s Beans Highlights
- They use olive oil thank goodness! So many use canola oil now, and it’s not healthy.
- Seasoned with all great ingredients. No chemicals, no hidden sugars, no MSG, no junk, and they use sea salt. All very impressive for a prepackaged food item.
- No can opener to deal with, really easy to open. You can literally sit at your desk or in your car and eat them if you need to.
- Excellent option to avoid the temptation to head for the drive-thru when you’re starving and don’t have time to prepare a meal.
- They are flavorful without being too spicy. If you like spicy you can always add pepper or chili powder. But I think they are delicious the way they are.
A Few Reasons Beans Are So Good For You
- Excellent source of plant based protein
- Full of fiber
- Aid digestion
- Help fight cancer
- Regulate blood sugar
- Lower cholesterol
- Heart disease prevention
Healthy Two Ingredient Recipe
- 1/2 package Fillo’s Beans
- 1 cup frozen cauliflower rice
Heat in non stick skillet on medium low heat and enjoy!
Fillo’s Beans are available on Amazon or at Whole Foods
All the best to your health!
Catherine Rudolph, CNC
Certified Nutrition Consultant