MSG is one of the most dangerous food enhancers found in thousands of processed foods under hidden names. It’s toxic stuff with some very serious side effects and should not be taken lightly. Read your food labels carefully, or better yet, eat food that doesn’t require a label 😉
MSG is also found in many restaurant foods. A tip about eating out, most employees are unaware if the foods have MSG. A lot of people are allergic to this toxin, so be careful here. I rarely eat out anymore because I have personally gotten sick so many times from the MSG in restaurant food. If not 100% sure, avoid it. It’s just not worth it. I’d rather eat real food that makes me feel good!!
Common Symptoms of MSG
*These are just some common symptoms. MSG can also aggravate more serious health conditions as well.
- Obesity
- Eye damage
- Headaches
- Fatigue and disorientation
- Depression
- Numbness
- Burning sensation
- Tingling
- Facial pressure or tightness
- Chest pain or difficulty breathing
- Headache
- Nausea
- Rapid heartbeat
- Drowsiness
- Weakness
34 Hidden Names For MSG
Always Contains MSG
- monosodium glutamate
- potassium glutamate
- autolyzed yeast
- yeast extract
- yeast food
- yeast nutrient
- hydrolyzed vegetable protein
- hydrolyzed protein
- hydrolyzed plant protein
- hydrolyzed oat flour
- plant protein extract
- sodium caseinate
- calcium caseinate
- textured protein
Often Indicates MSG
- maltodextrin
- malt extract
- bouillon/broth/stock
- any flavors or flavoring
- natural flavoring
- artificial flavoring
- natural beef flavoring
- natural chicken flavoring
- seasoning
- spices
May Contain MSG
- soy sauce
- soy protein isolate
- soy protein concentrate
- whey protein isolate
- gelatin
- carrageenan
- enzyme modified
- protein fortified
- fermented
- ultra pasteurized
Over time toxins like MSG clog our digestive system and vital organs.
Click Here to learn how you can cleanse and reset your digestive system, liver, colon, kidneys, and lymph.
All the best to your health!
Catherine Rudolph, CNC
Certified Nutrition Consultant
Thank you. I ate a Pea burger last night at Carl Jr’s. I have been ill ever sence, yesterday.I I feel terrible and I have so much to do today but I feel like I have the flu. I have many allergies so I don’t eat out much.
Thank you for all the hidden ingredients list.
MSG causes me terrible depression. It’s takes me about 3 days to recover after consuming it.
Now that so many food and drinks have “natural flavors” and other hidden names for MSG, how can this be stopped? What can we do as individuals to help get America to reduce it in food and drinks?
I have a bad reaction to all forms of MSG. (Fatigue, tingling, inability to sleep, harder to concentrate, etc. It seems to stimulate my cells and makes me extremely tired for many hours.)
If it can be stopped depends on the public being educated on MSG. I am fully aware the majority don’t care. I cook and prepare all my food myself to avoid MSG and all the ingredients that have the same effect and come under disguised names for it.
I am very allergic to MSG in any form, it causes me mini strokes that last 5-6 hrs then go away. It took 20 yrs to find out that Benadryl counteracts consumed MSG. I take 1/3 of a tablet 1/2 hr before I go out to eat and it stops the effects. I have a conversion disorder that is caused by stress and MSG does not help it when accidently ingested. Msg can also cause heart attacks and epilepsy that are undetected. Msg does not show up in blood work nor does Aspartame. Msg takes me 3 days to come off of it. I hope this helps someone out there. It took a hospital to put me on Benadryl and it helps me.
Does Benadryl counteract AFTER consuming MSG also?
Does taking 1/3 Tablet of Benadryl still make you tired or tired for less period of time?
I don’t know since it’s a medication. Activated charcoal is what we use.
Thank you, for the benadryl information. Msg gives me terrible head pressure for hours. I will pass this info to others that I know have a reaction to msg. Thank you again for your help
I just found out that I’m highly allergic to msg
I had a gluten free bagel and got deathly sick .felt like a bad flue
With a migraine that’s was intolerable for 5 hrs ..
And it is 10 hrs later still have a headache. My skin and joints burn feels like my blood is boiling under my skin … I have to learn recipes and hidden msg names as fast as possible . This was helpful
I get the most horrific migraines that lasts for days when consuming MSG. The nausea and vomiting is just an added bonus. Its so discouraging that so many foods have this horrible ingredient. I think the FDA should reconsider banning MSG.
I get hemiplegic migraines and msg is a huge trigger. Its hidden in everything. Check the labels & avoid if you can. I get a severe pain & pressure in top right side of my head, I lose my vision and have scintillating scatomas, expressive aphasia, severe numbness in
arm, hand, fingers, mouth/face, tongue,, nose (like novicane numbness) visual disturbances & loss of all peripheral, zig zags, flashing/ scintillating scatomas negative vision (missing vision), confusion, difficulty communicating, dizziness, etc. Once triggered, it lasts anywhere from 1 hr to 3 days. This comes on with no warning & Its completely debilitating. have suffered for 35 years with this & trying to avoid MSG. Don’t eat it! Its an ecitotoxin and poison. Same with aspartame. There are other triggers but MSG is at the top if the list for me. It should absolutely be banned by FDA. ps. I just tried UBRELVY tonight and it stopped an episode after about 2 hrs. I have a bad headache but the stroke /neurological symptoms are over. Maybe try it. Thx for the tip about Benadryl. Take care.
Thank you. I could not understand why I was getting so sick with headaches. My favorite Chinese restaurant cooks with it. But it just started bothering me. Four days to recover, I thought I was going crazy
I find red grapefruit helps get rid of my msg symptoms rather quickly. I drink the juice, use the concentrate I buy from health food stores or eat half a red grapefruit.
I ate some unsalted almonds and pecans which had been in a nut mix I made with craisins. I got the worst headache. I recently ate the nuts which came straight from the bag, I didn’t get a headache. Would the craisins have something to give me headaches.
yes for sure because they can add “natural flavors” which can be ANY thing. It’s code for artificial flavors in most cases.
Craisins and dried fruit often have sulphites. Does the same to me as msg. 4 day headache
Some of the links on this page are broken.
One doctor told me it takes a month to get it out of your system. The worse part of MSG is how if effects my BP to dangerous levels. Should be outlawed.
When I’ve eaten something with msg, I will get neck pain & pain in the back of head. I eat a red grapefruit, no sweetener, or put drops of concentrated grapefruit extract in water and drink or drink pink grapefruit juice. In a few minutes pain is gone.
that’s great tip thanks!
Mix some cream of tartar in a little water…taste isn’t thrilling ..but really works to stop heart palpitations headache ect
Costco’s frozen Tempura Shrimp made my heart beat 170 per minute…it stayed at 150 until morning and 110 until the afternoon…My Apple watch alerted me.