21-Day Guided Detox w/Catherine
Cleanse Overview: Catherine’s Cleanse Program is designed to support your body’s natural ability to heal itself with simple, healthy, delicious recipes.
The primary focus of my detox is healthy clean eating, therefore nutritional supplements are optional and sold separately. Contact Catherine for suggestions that fit your individual needs.
Note: This is a digital e-Course with tutorial videos, personal email support with Catherine, and an eBook (not a paper copy) but it can be printed. This allows for easy access to the most current eBook updates for lifetime members who repeat the program.
Package Includes:
- DIGITAL eBook: Cleanse Guide: “Detox Diet” by Catherine Rudolph, CNC
- 21 Day Meal Plan with 50+ quick, simple, healthy, delicious recipes
- Cleanse Colon, Kidney, Liver, Lymph, and Lungs (with optional gallbladder flush)
- 3 day juice feast with video tutorial
- Tutorial videos by Catherine
- Free lifetime access to member portal
- Email support with Catherine
- Supplements Sold Separately
Catherine's 21 day cleanse is a powerful way to take charge of your health through simple detoxifying meal plan, and cleansing vital organs (kidney, colon, liver, lung, lymph, skin).
More Energy
Better Sleep
Improved Digestion
Weight Loss
Stronger/Healthier Immune System
Reduced inflammation and joint pain
Educational teachings and email support with Catherine
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this cleanse for?
Catherine's cleanse is great for many different types of individuals, lifestyles, and diets. It is specially formulated only for those interested in cleansing the body naturally with detoxifying whole foods, reducing inflammation, improving digestion, and slowing (and even healing) the progression of chronic health conditions.
What if the detox diet is too ‘extreme’ for me?
The best part about the 21 day detox is how many options it gives you from beginner level all the way to advanced. You can easily leave out week 2, which includes a deeper detox, and stick to the simple, healthy menus of weeks 1 and 3 throughout. Plus I promise, you will not go hungry! This is not a calorie-limited diet, and you’re allowed to eat until you’re full.
What if I’m vegetarian, vegan, or have dietary restrictions set by my doctor?
The 21 day detox includes several menu options for every single meal, with many of them vegetarian and vegan friendly. I’ve never known someone who was unable to find options that worked within their dietary restrictions.
I’m not sure I can go 21 days without ‘cheating’ on a diet. Is it even worth it to try?
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Any healthy change is a good change, and it is always worth it to try. In fact, I’m sure you’ll notice the difference in as little as 3 days! Of course, the closer you stick to the program the better your results will be, but NO ONE is perfect, not even me, and you can still see amazing results even if you fall off the wagon once or twice.
Will the detox interfere with the medications I’m taking?
Nope! The 21 day detox is based only on real food, no sketchy pills involved. In fact, you might not even need those medications by the end…
What makes this program different from any other detox that hasn’t worked for me in the past?
The 21 day detox, while focused primarily on gently detoxifying your body over 21 days, delivers more than that. The 21 day detox is a lifestyle change above all else, because there is no ‘quick fix’ for long term health. And within the facebook group, you’ll have the ongoing support of everyone else making this lifestyle change, so that together we can continue to feel energized, stay off meds, and live our best lives.
Most detox programs on the market get 2 things wrong: they throw your body straight into an intense cleanse for 2-3 days, and then leave you hanging when you’re done, at which point you fall back into your old habits and reap no long term benefits.
Will I have the time to fit this into my life?
The training videos are always available to you to watch at your own pace. Aside from that, your only time commitment is the amount of time you already spend shopping and preparing meals.
What Nutritional Supplements Can I Take?
Lonicera Longevity (Learn More/Purchase) - detoxify, cleanse, and nourish every cell in your body with just one nutritional supplement.
Any other additional supplements could alter your results.
If you have your own nutritional supplements, vitamins, green drinks, protein powders, etc., please set them aside for the 21 days because that would be a completely different program, and I cannot guarantee what kind of results you will get with another companies products.
Questions? Email Catherine Directly at:
[email protected]
Additional information
Select Program | Digital Package – w/eBook, Physical package w/Supplements |
Lori –
Just want to let everyone know that I feel SO GOOD now and have so much energy, that I am living the first 7 days of the detox forever! Will do a mater cleanse every few weeks. Amazing how detoxing the body makes you feel. Life is good!
Anita –
Just wanted to share a testimony: I have had chronic issues with my eyes for several years and this morning I had a 4 mo. check up with my ophthalmologist. She said my eyes are the clearest she has ever seen them! The look on her face said it all–she was surprised! I wasn’t sure I was really getting results with this detox program, but I’m convinced now! I sure hope this encourages everyone to keep going. PTL!
Keith P. –
My wife and I took the 21 day Detox Diet together, which helped me in staying true to the program. I lost 17 pounds and am still counting!
Jane I. –
Hi Catherine, I am on day 3 of the detox and I LOVE IT! the recipes are delish and I have absolutely no cravings and the bad bloating is subsiding!
Robbie H. –
You may not remember, but I had a colonoscopy on the calendar for 2 weeks after my initial consultation with you. One week later I was doing so well, I cancelled it. The $2000 I saved on that colonoscopy will pay for an awful lot of powders (greens) and organic veggies! ?
PS: I’ve lost almost 25 lbs and have way more energy than I’ve ever had! Thanks so much!
Luke S. –
I am feeling remarkably well and satiated. My swelling is seeming to be going down in my knees and ankle joints (which has plagued me since childhood). It’s amazing, because I went almost a year and a half without any refined sugars when I previously did a candida diet, but I just felt depleted. But now the food combinations seem to really be helping. And keeping away from mixing fruit and oatmeal, and focusing on veggies as a main portion of dinner with a meat is working well. As much as I love sweets and pastries, I think that I’d really rather stay away if it means feeling so much less swollen and foggy.
Pamela B. –
I just wanted to let you know everything went great (with the liver flush). No mishaps and the stones that resulted from it were many, but small. I feel fabulous today! I am hooked! I can honestly say I do not remember the last time I have felt so good. Thanks so much for your prayers. ?
Anita K. –
In November I went in for my annual physical. My numbers came back very elevated – blood pressure, liver, blood sugar and cholesterol. I had gone back in February for a follow up and things were under control with meds and I was down 4 lbs. I went back today and my doctor’s response was, “Miss Anita, I am SO proud of you.”. He didn’t say it once, he kept repeating it. Talk about putting a little pep in my step. My numbers aren’t back from my blood work up, but I am down 20 lbs more since February . I owe it all to this detox program and Catherine Rudolph. Thank you for helping me get on the right track. I truly feel so much better.
Randy –
“I am done with 21 day detox,, happy to say I dropped 20 pounds , and more importantly,, my cholesterol went from 280 ,, to 160 !!!! Wow ,, thank you Catherine!!!! And I have to thank Walter Peterson for helping me do this !! I going to continue to learn and get healthier”
Stacy S. –
Hi Catherine! I just want to share with you that I’ve watched every single one of your videos that I have ever come across! Some more than once! I have nearly completed the 21 day detox. I did my first coffee enema last weekend, I am hooked, I feel amazing!
I no longer have food cravings, which is really saying something for someone who’s done a sick dance with an eating disorder her entire life. I finally did the detox and clean eating because of arthritis that has interfered with my life way too much! At only 51 years of age of I had to give up my dream job due to the arthritis and the doctors only had pills to offer, pills that did not work but had plenty of side-effects!
In preparation for the 21 day detox, I weaned myself off of coffee over a few weeks due to headaches and started cleaning up my bad habits of stress eating with the crew at work. I believe I was able to stick to getting through the initial phase of this transition due to the CBD raw concentrate. I truly no longer have the food cravings, it doesn’t bother me if they’re all eating cheesecakes or chips! I crave my smoothies! I’m just as happy to crunch my carrots and celery and enjoy my organic hummus while they all eat whatever!
I have never had this much control over my eating habits. I have so much hope for the first time, in such a very long time!! You have given me my life back and giving me hope for the future! You are truly heaven sent!!
Since I began this journey with you, without you knowing it, I have completely stop taking Protonics, which I had been taking for years. Every prior attempt to wean off had failed, after just one or two missed doses I was in pain. Now, nearly three weeks and I feel amazing! I am even able to enjoy my new found favorite, spicy kimchi!!????
Along with chronic reflux symptom resolving, so has my IBD/chronic constipation resolved. Also, I have been very slowly weaning down Cymbalta I take for my bone pain and so far I feel great!! It is a well known arduous process to get off of Cymbalta. Again, I believe the CBD is allowing me to be able to easily manage the dose reduction. My arthritic hands are visibly less swollen. My hips, knees and shoulders don’t ache! I am able to sleep better because of all of the above! My skin is brighter! Food IS medicine!! ??????
My goal is to get off my meds and use CBD to manage what remains of my arthritis symptoms. My hope is with the following months and years of clean eating, those symptoms will become even less and I will be able to live the active life I once enjoy, and maybe even a job I can be passionate about again! Thank you for all that you’ve done for me personally and for my family. It’s good to be back!!
God bless you and your good works, Catherine! ♥️
Kim P. –
Hello everyone ! My husband was talking to one of our dearest friend Susan, she thought maybe I should share this with the group ,just wanted to tell Catherine and the rest of the group that I have been going to a Holistic doctor for chiropractor, acupuncture and physical therapy. Which they diagnosed me with leaky gut and wanted me to start a bunch of their supplements. When I seen a gastrologist specialist I had to go off all of my supplements cuz he thought maybe that was causing my problems. And that’s one mistake I should have never ever done. But anyway back to my story told them I am back on my supplements for my gut. She said bring them in and we’ll see if they are what your body needs so I brought them in and every one of them tested positive for what I needed. She only had to add one extra supplement. Thank you Catherine! God bless you and everyone else that’s on this journey to get healthy!
Kevin M. –
Hope this gets to the group? I really am embarrassed to be so tardy in technology.
Anyway, today is day 21 for me and it’s 7:10 pm est.. My last meal was the vegetarian chili pg. 54 Detox Diet book 2 hours ago.
If I can resist celebrating with a hot fudge sundae before I go to bed I will have completed the course! Piece of cake. Ha! Pun intended.?
I’d like to thank all group members for sharing knowledge and tips I have learned over many months. And of course Catherine, for the many times I have emailed you Catherine, and our phone conversations. I have lost an additional 13lbs in the 21 days and my numbers from my last doctors appointment last week were fantastic. B/p 118 over 80 still off all meds. Doctor asked me how I did it… told him easy… I stopped listening to you Doc.
Of courses I told him I was just kidding but 80% meant it to myself. For all that may be on the fringes of this program, I know many have completed it; but to those who may be like I was, waiting for the right time. Today is the right time! You owe it to yourself! Go for it!
Thank you Catherine and all again.
God bless,
Kelli W. –
I am happy to share I completed my first liver flush, and I have to say the whole experience and process was AMAZING!!! I was really nervous and I guess a little fearful of the “unknown” as to what was going to happen and if I could do it (in spite of Catherine’s awesome instructions and guidance, plus the tips and encouragement from the girls in the monthly group). I guess that’s natural for the first time! My encouragement to anyone who is fearful of doing the CE and/or liver flush is to TRUST the process and all the information/materials/videos that Catherine has provided. You won’t be sorry!!! The actual liver flush was WOW, unbelievable!!! I was so excited how well it went!…probably about 20+!!! I feel like I had GREAT success and am excited to do another one this summer!!! I feel SO GOOD!!! I know the food combining has made a big difference. I would occasionally get acid reflux and that is gone. I don’t have that bloaty, icky feeling after a meal. I’m sleeping better at night. My hot flashes have subsided, and I lost 9 pounds!!! A HUGE THANK YOU to Catherine for all you do!!! God has blessed you with the gift of teaching and sharing! Your program is AMAZING and all the teaching materials, videos, support and encouragement are priceless!!! I’m so thankful to be a part of this group and on a journey to health and healing!!!
Joy –
Hello Catherine, Everything is AWESOME!! I feel wonderful. I am down 10lbs, have tons of energy and have not had a cigerete in 23 days. Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. I am trying to get my dad to try the detox and purchase the hemp oil. I hope you have a wonderful day ?
Susan –
To all of you 21day’ers… My husband Steve has now lost a total of 19lbs, off 3 Blood Pressure Medications, Nexium and another pill that helps with water retention. He goes back to his Doc in a week in hopes of getting off his cholesterol medication. We are still working the program and have been doing it for 19 days but on day 15 of the protocol. Reason for the difference… We decided to Juice longer than it called for. I have lost 13 lbs, my skin is softer(not so dry) and I have ENERGY for the first time in a long time. Thank you Catherine for your guidance through this easy to follow program!
Susan M. –
HI Catherine, Just wanted to tell you this is the FIRST time in my life I have actually stuck to the program 100%! ….. so far. I really like the recipes in the detox book. I look forward to the smoothie in the morning. It’s so good. All is going really well with NO….absolutely NO cheating…….so far haha. OH! I’ve lost 6 pounds! Woohoo! And I have energy now that I got past the headaches, but I’m also irritable a lot which I assume is because I want that bread or the dinners I cook for my family that smell so good hahahaha. I can’t believe my willpower! I must REALLY want this. I can not thank you enough!