Although I don’t encourage coffee drinking, I do believe we all have to pick our battles, and I used to be addicted on Starbucks. So I totally understand!… If you’re not ready to quit, I want to at least help you make it a little bit healthier.
Cold-Brewed Coffee
What Is Cold Brew Coffee?
Cold-brewed coffee is what it sounds like. You don’t brew it with hot water. Instead you “cold brew” it by soaking the coffee grounds in room temperature water for 12-24 hours. Then you strain it and either add ice, or heat it up in a pan. It’s actually very simple. Especially if you have a french press. And it’s a very concentrated coffee.
Benefits of Cold Brewing
Drip coffee or hot brewed coffee, is extremely acidic leaching calcium from your bones, and causing excessive calcium excretion through urine. And according to a study done by “Toddy”, cold-brewed coffee is 67% less acidic than hot-brewed. That’s a huge reduction in acidity, making your coffee a lot healthier for your teeth, stomach, and overall health.
Always Buy Organic Coffee
Along with cold brewing, I STRONGLY recommend organic. If you think it’s a waste of money, it’s not. And if you think it doesn’t taste good, you’re not buying a good organic coffee. You might want to try “Bullet Proof” coffee. Non organic coffee is loaded with toxic chemicals and pesticides. And when you brew it, you concentrate those toxins making it even worse.
Coffee FAQ
Is Decaf Healthier?
Unfortunately decaff is not really any better for you because they use toxic chemicals to remove the caffeine. So you are sort of robbing Peter to pay Paul. However, if you have any hormonal health issues, adrenal fatigue, or chronic fatigue, caffeine is a very poor choice as it will ultimately make you feel worse.
What About the Health Benefits of Coffee?
Coffee is high in antioxidants and has been shown in studies to be beneficial in reducing the risk of specific diseases. However, there is a much longer list of health consequences as well. Not to mention the sugar and creamers most people add to their coffee.
So do the benefits out weight the consequences? Not for me they don’t. But again, every one has to choose their battles. I was totally hooked on coffee for 10 years. It’s not an easy habit to quit!!
A Few Health Consequences of Coffee
- Hormonal imbalances as a result of over-stimulating the adrenal glands.
- Dehydration, headaches, food cravings
- Inflammation due to acidity
- Calcium Loss – leading to osteoporosis
- Depletes B vitamins
- Raises blood pressure
- Nervousness/Anxiety & Insomnia
- Memory problems
- Raised insulin levels
- Heart palpitations
- Causes heartburn
- Gout & Kidney Stones
Cold Brewed Coffee Recipe
Cold Brew Coffee Recipe
- 2-3 Tablespoons coursely ground organic coffee in a glass or french press
- Add 16 ounce purified water and gently stir
- Let brew at room temperature for 12-24 hours
- Strain in french press or with coffee filter
- Add ice or heat on the stove
If you need a healthier substitute for sugar/creamer
- Add a tablespoon of grass fed organic butter and blend it
- You can also add MCT oil
IMPORTANT NOTE: Caffeine is a stimulant and will deplete the adrenal glands. If you are going to drink coffee, I strongly recommend supporting your adrenal glands nutritionally with FOOD SOURCED Vitamin C, B complex, Magnesium, Trace minerals, and other essential nutrients. Our Organic Daily Greens includes all of the nutrients you need to nourish and support your adrenal glands.
All the best to your health!
Catherine Rudolph, CNC
Certified Nutrition Consultant