Getting Started!!

Mini Video Series 

What Is The Best Water To Drink?

The first step to health may be easier than you think! On average, adults are 60% water. So the water you drink should be at the top of your list if you want to get healthy. In this video I discuss 4 different types of drinking water, how much water you need to be drinking, and the best time of day to drink your water.

Catherine’s Daily Detox Drink [Two Versions!]

My daily detox drink is an excellent way to flood your body with good nutrition, and passively detox every morning. Detox Drink Recipe(s):

Catherine’s Hemp Seed Banana Smoothie

This smoothie is so tasty you won’t believe how healthy it is! It’s quick and easy, whole food, unprocessed plant proteins, healthy fats, high fiber, and sustaining energy. Literally everything you need to start your day off healthy.

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