Yogurt is crazy popular. If it was raw, organic, home made, and cultured properly, it would have health benefits. Unfortunately commercial yogurt, including Greek yogurt, is not made properly. The result is an unhealthy “health” food I do not personally eat or recommend to anyone. And it is NOT a good food source for probiotics.


1. Probiotic Content – Don’t Be Fooled!!

Commercial yogurts actually contain very little live probiotics because they are not cultured long enough. Dannon yogurt was actually sued in 2010 for false claims that their product contained high levels of probiotics.


2. Sugar content

Even if you get unflavored, the sugar content is high because commercial yogurt is not cultured long enough for bacteria to eat up the sugar.


3. Beta Casein A1

Most commercial yogurts contain Beta Casein A1 which most people are allergic to.


4. Denatured Protein

Commercial yogurts are pasteurized at 280 degrees that denatures the protein.


5. Chemicals and Hormones

Commercial yogurt is packed with chemicals, hormones and GMO feed.


6. Clogging Mucus

Dairy in general is very mucus forming and clogging to the body. An excellent environment for bacteria, viruses, candida, and parasites to thrive in.


7. Superior Alternative Options

There are SO many other healthy options if you’re looking for those healthy probiotics. Cultured veggies, fermented kombucha tea, miso soup, and kefir water.


All the best to your health!

Catherine Rudolph, CNC
Certified Nutrition Consultant